Our FY21 Impact Report is Here!

Our 2021 fiscal year (July 2020 to June 2021) was one of the most enlightening years in our nearly 150-year history. We learned so much about adaptation, what it means to build community and most of all, resilience.  

In our FY21 Impact Report, you will find many stories on those three themes. You’ll read about parents who first met and got to know their adopted children virtually. You’ll read about young people finding the confidence to reach out to estranged family. And you’ll read again and again about our efforts to help youth and families build their own communities and remain connected with their families, which was paramount this past year. You can read our Impact Report below, or click here for a full-screen version!

We hope you enjoy reading about the amazing families we’ve supported in our FY21 Impact Report, and seeing the incredible impact that donors like you can have. Your generous support has been integral to our success every step of the way. 

You can be a part of the work we do to support children and families throughout Greater Boston when you donate today!


Want to Foster or Adopt? Join Our Massachusetts Approaches to Partnership in Parenting Training Beginning January 2022!


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